Saturday, September 13, 2014


Baru menyelesaikan season 2, ,,, wooooooooowwwww..... 2x 24 jam... Hahaha... Segitunyaaaaaa,,,,, *pagi tetep kerja, sore tetep praktek, malam tetep liat Damon....* hahahah

Ceritanya makin makin deh,,, ok, gw emang telat ye baru nonton The Salvatores Brother...

Di season 2 my favorite scenes :
Episode 8, ( title : Rose) pas damon dtg ke kamar Elena dan ngmg

DS : " because what I'm about to say is.... Probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life " .....

DS :  " I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you Elena.. And it's because I love you that, I cant be selfish with you. And why you dOnt know this. I dont deserve you... But my brother does"  (then he kisses her on forehead....)

DS :  " God, I wish you didnt have to forget this,, but you do" ( he shed a single tear while he compells her.... )

Wooooooow baaaaanngeeetttt ( dan baru ngehh tnyata Nina Dobrev dan Ian Somerhalder beneran date,,, )

Episode 22 ( As I Lay Dying)
Scene dmn Damon sekarat krn werewolf's bite.... Boboan sebelahan sm Elena

DS : this is even more pitiful than I thought
EG : there's still hope
DS : I've made a lot of choices that have gotten me here. I deserve this. I deserve to die
EG : (moves to lay by Damon and hold his hand) No, you dont
DS : I do, Elena. Its ok. Cause if I'd have chosen differently, I wouldnt have met you. I'm sorry I've done so many things to hurt you
EG : its ok. I forgive you
DS : I know you love Stevan and it always be Stevan (she lays down on Damon)  But I love you. You should know that.
EG: (crying) I do
DS : you should have met me in 1864. You have liked me
EG : I like younow. Just the way you are. ( she leans in and kisses Damon on the lips)
DS : Thank you
EG : you' re welcome......

Di season ini,,, lebih banyak karakter, lebih banyak cerita, the Originals datang, werewolves, Stevan jd jahat lagi ( tapi tetep doyannya Damon ahhh) dan gue nanti mau seriusin nonton TVD dari awal... Secara guenonton cuma mau liat Damon ajah... And his scene with Elena ( Delena)....
Dan gue udh baca sinopsis bbrp episode season 3, dan sepertinya udh mulai gimanaaaaa gitu Elena ke Damon.... Dan akan jadian juga.... Eeeeeeeeerrrrr.... Hihihihi.... * baru merhatiin semalem, Damon pake blush on yah??? Hehehehe

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