Friday, December 12, 2014

Foul Mood

Hallo.. udh lama ga ngepost dari sini.. skr jam 00.29 wib . Sembari nonton drama korea Secret Door yg gue ga ngerti jalan ceritanya. .

Nah gue hanya mendadak bad mood dan malas pulang. Pdhl awal minggu I felt excited about it. From last week actually.

But today.. Thursday .. the  excitement  feeling is almost gone. And I dunno why. I had no issues with the other 'party' . I mean he's fine, I had no problem with him.

Is it hormonal?  Or I just feel little unwell? 

Mom said it's up to me. To go home or delay it until new year's eve . ..

Well I guess , I'll wait until Saturday noon. If this foul moodiness is gone, then I'm going home. If it's not, so I'll see him 2 weeks later..